
PINK...Semi annual sale.

After stopping at Vickie's last week i couldn't help but reflect on the conversation i had with the girls about the greatest creation....boy shorts. Ladies all know what I'm talking about. just keep it real "Low.Key"


On 12.27.07

Wonderful female was lost, her pride, spirit, joy, and presence
are all things to be missed. In honor of her i created my
first memorial piece with a thought that i feel many should read.

Tasheika Davis


I would like to post a special thanks to Elton of www.prettyuglyonline.com
for doing a piece on me and my art work, it sure means alot and is very much appreciated.

thanks a Bunch!!!



And it begins....

In with the new year comes new art, after spending most of 1-1-08 in a book store...I have a few words for thougt...wich ultimately means there will be new painting before you know it... stay tuned.


illy L.